Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], Oct 19 (ANI): After the day one of the third Test came to an end against India, South Africa bowler Anrich Nortje said his team played better than the previous Test."I think we were definitely better than previous Test. We, sort of, tried to control the game a little bit better. Unfortunately, we could not get another wicket or two; it would have been nice to have four or five down. But in general, it was a good effort by the bowlers," Nortje said in the post-match press conference.South Africa were beaten by an innings and 137 runs in the second Test match against India.India were playing at 224/3 before the day one of the third Test match was called off due to rain. India opener Rohit Sharma smashed a century and is currently at 117 runs with partner Ajinkya Rahane (83*).South Africa had picked three wickets early in the match but later on, Sharma and Rahane formed a 185-run partnership, putting India on a dominating position.Nortje admitted that after some time India batsmen were at the top."Later on, one or two overs or spells did not go our way and we were not on top and they capitalized on that. Otherwise, I think it was a good effort by everyone," he said. (ANI)

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