New Delhi [India], Mar 25 (ANI): Former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag on Wednesday extended warm greetings to countrymen on the occasion of Navratri and wished for the eradication of coronavirus."By the grace of Devi , May this pandemic be eradicated for good from the planet Happy #Navratri," Sehwag tweeted.The festival of Navratri witness scores of devotees fasting continuously for nine days in honour of goddess Durga.Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted the nation on the occasion of Navratri and expressed hope that the nine-day festival will bring prosperity and good health in everyone's life.Modi had on Tuesday announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire country effective from Tuesday midnight to curb the spread of coronavirus. The total number of active COVID-19 cases reported so far in the country is 562, according to Union Health Ministry, while 40 people have been cured. (ANI)
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