New Delhi [India], Feb 22 (ANI): Former Union Law Minister Ashwani Kumar on Saturday said that any narrative that leads to violence in the name of nationalism is against democracy."Ours is a country and civilisation that has always valued peace, harmony and inclusion. Nationalism is ingrained in every citizen but when you try and construct a narrative that leads to violence in the name of nationalism, that is certainly not the democracy," Kumar told ANI here.The Congress leader also said that no government should ever downplay the contribution of the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru and diminishing him is unacceptable.Earlier in the day, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also said that nationalism and the slogan of 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' are being misused to construct a "militant and purely emotional" idea of India that excludes millions of residents and citizens. (ANI)
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