Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Apr 16 (ANI): BJP leader Vinod Tawde on Monday hit back at actor-turned Congress leader Urmila Matondkar regarding a scuffle that broke out between Congress workers and BJP sympathisers earlier in the day."Someone said that I (Urmila) have joined politics because freedom of expression is under threat, it is for the people to see what she and her workers have done," Tawde said."Train passengers were shouting Modi-Modi. Congress workers assaulted them. A woman too was beaten by them. BJP will complain to the Election Commission regarding it," he said.Reacting sharply to a scuffle between Congress workers and BJP sympathisers earlier today, actor-turned-politician Urmila Matondkar claimed that there is a threat to her life and she requires protection from the police.Speaking to ANI after the scuffle that took place during her roadshow at Boriwali, Matondkar said, "It is being done to create fear. It is just beginning, it will take a violent turn. I have asked for police protection. There's a threat to my life, I have filed a complaint."Talking about the scuffle that happened earlier in the day, Matondkar said, "We were peacefully addressing people and from nowhere 15-20 people came and started raising slogans in favour of Prime Minister Narendra Modi."Initially, I didn't react to it and thought these kinds of things keep happening. But they all started making vulgar actions and started dancing. They were trying to intimidate women at the back. They were moving forward towards the direction where my vehicle was standing. Because of this, our people had to intervene and asked them to stop doing this. A clash then broke out between them and they even hit some women," she said.She also said that she has filed a police complaint on today's incident.Matondkar has been fielded by Congress from Mumbai (North) constituency.Earlier in the day, when Matondkar was holding a roadshow near a railway station, some onlookers started raising pro-Modi slogans. The sloganeering was countered by 'Chowkidar Chor hai' slogans by Congress supporters.A scuffle subsequently broke out between the two groups. In a video of the incident, Congress supporters can be seen running towards people raising pro-Modi slogans and roughing up a few of them. (ANI)
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