Ayodhya, January 7: A young man was apprehended in the Ram Janmabhoomi complex in Ayodhya for carrying camera-equipped sunglasses and clicking photos, officials said Tuesday. The accused was violating the ban on photography and videography in the temple for security reasons, the officials said. The man, identified as Jani Jaikumar from Vadodara in Gujarat, managed to pass through multiple checkpoints on the Ram Janmabhoomi path and reached near the Singhdwar of the temple complex on Monday, they said. Security Scare at Ram Mandir Due to Ray-Ban Meta Wayfarer Smart Glasses, Man Arrested While Trying To Click Photos on Ayodhya Temple Premises With Camera Hidden in Specs.

He was spotted taking photos with the camera-equipped glasses, which caught the attention of security personnel when the camera light flashed, they added. "The youth was immediately taken into custody after the suspicious device was discovered. The glasses, equipped with cameras on both sides and a button for capturing images, are valued at approximately Rs 50,000," SP (Security) Balramachari Dubey said. ‘Ram Temple Project’ of Ayodhya’s Shri Ram Janmaboomi Mandir Awarded Prestigious ‘Sword of Honour’ by British Safety Council.

Dubey further said Anurag Bajpai, an SSF jawan who detained the man, will be rewarded for his vigilance. "The security watcher's quick action ensured no further security breach occurred," he added. The detained youth, reportedly a businessman, is being interrogated by the authorities, he said.

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