Noida (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Aug 2 (ANI): Two men were arrested on Thursday for posing as IPS and IAS officers for the past eight years here in Noida, police said. Police also seized Khaki uniforms, fake identity cards and as well as IPS and IAS badges from their possession. The police learned about the matter a week ago after Noida Sector 20 police received a complaint from a man who was under pressure by the accused allegedly in the name of a senior BJP leader.Acting on the complaint, police arrested the duo from a car near Sector 18 metro station."The accused, identified as Gaurav Mishra and Ashutosh Rathi, used to extort money from police personnel threatening to get them transferred," Noida SSP Vaibhav Krisha said. While Gaurav has completed BTech, Ashutosh has a BCom degree. Gaurav's father is a chartered accountant in Prayagraj, Krisha added.The duo was earlier jailed for committing various other crimes. (ANI)

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