Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Oct 7 (ANI): The city police allegedly seized 5 tons of mixed beef and buffen after it conducted a raid in the Kharkonda area here. Four people were also arrested in connection to smuggling and transporting it out of the country."The raid was conducted after the Meerut surveillance team received information. We have recovered 5 ton of mixed beef and buffen. We have arrested four people including a so-called journalist who used to identify himself as a reporter of a newspaper. Some other so-called journalists are also involved in it. These people used to buy the mixed meat from different places and used to transport it to Delhi, where they had two people in export units who used to buy it," said Ajay Sahani, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in a press conference on Sunday."Those two exporters used to freeze this mixed beef and buffen and after packaging it according to international standards, transport it to Mumbai, after which it was exported out of the country on the export permit. The seized substance was examined by the doctor after which we have arrested them. These people also used to buy dead animals meat from the municipal corporation and supply it," he added.The police have registered a case against the four and are looking for more people involved in the case. Further investigation is underway. (ANI)

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