UP: Liquor Worth Rs 30,000 Seized at Ghaziabad Railway Station
Four bags with 128 bottles of illicit liquor worth Rs 30,000 were seized by the Railways Police at Ghaziabad railway station in Uttar Pradesh.
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Aug 28 (ANI): Four bags with 128 bottles of illicit liquor worth Rs 30,000 were seized by the Railways Police at Ghaziabad railway station in Uttar Pradesh."The Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Government Railway Police (GRP) conduct regular checking in the premises of the railway station. During this, our two personnel found four unattended bags containing 80 big bottles and 48 small, a total of 128 bottles on platform number 2," said KVGA Naidu, Railway Police Force on Tuesday."The liquor was brought from Delhi to Ghaziabad in EMU train that operates in Delhi NCR. I assume that these bottles were being taken to Bihar. The worth of these liquor bottles is around Rs 30,000," he further said. No arrests have been made so far.Further investigation is underway. (ANI)
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