UP Govt Strengthens Surveillance Against Coronavirus
Amid the threat of coronavirus outbreak, Uttar Pradesh government has strengthened the surveillance and control measures against the disease.
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Mar 7 (ANI): Amid the threat of coronavirus outbreak, Uttar Pradesh government has strengthened the surveillance and control measures against the disease."Till date, 2915 travellers from corona affected countries have been identified and tracked by District Surveillance Units and all have been placed under surveillance. Total 713 travellers being tracked are in fine health, 708 travellers are under home isolation, 3 of them are symptomatic at present and admitted at various hospitals, condition of all of them is stable," read an official statement of the government.The state has cross-notified 532 travellers to other states within India and details of 26 travellers have been shared with NCDC, GOI for International Cross-notification.The administrative officers were also instructed to use various provisions of Disaster Management Act, 2005 to ensure uninterrupted availability of medical supplies and services.The state has also asked railway, army and EIS hospitals, IMA and nursing home associations to be in a state of readiness to handle the situation if the need arises.Highlighting some precautionary measures for the people to save themselves from the virus, the statement said, "Travelers and their family members must ensure strict respiratory and hand hygiene. Cover your face while coughing or sneezing, wash hands frequently and avoid hand-shakes."It has also advised the Indian citizens to refrain from Non-essential travel to Italy, Islamic Republic of Iran, Singapore and Republic of Korea.Outlining the sensitization drive held at Agra, it said, "In the drive a total of 32,944 houses in an area of 3 Km radius around Master Plan Road. A total of 314 teams have been deployed for this activity."This comes after the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has reached 31 in India. The deadly virus has caused more than 3200 deaths across the world.The novel coronavirus disease, dubbed COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in late December 2019 and has since spread to more than 20 other countries. (ANI)
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