Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Oct 2 (ANI): Even as the Congress boycotted the special session of Uttar Pradesh Assembly on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, party MLA Aditi Singh attended it, saying that she wanted to talk about development."I took the decision to go to the assembly session because Uttar Pradesh qualifies for 16 of the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to talk about development," Singh told ANI.The Congress leader said that she only talked about development in her assembly address as well."In my speech, I also said that if we want to pay a tribute to the Father of the Nation, we need to walk on his path. That is possible only when we become a developed nation," she said.Singh said that the parties that chose to boycott the assembly today must have had a good reason for the same.When asked about the Congress boycotting the assembly today, she said: "Today, I followed the politics I always looked up to. One that teaches to rise above political divides. It is up to the Congress party if they want to take action against me."Earlier, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath slammed the Congress party for boycotting the special session.Addressing the 36-hour long special session of the state assembly on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Adityanath said that Congress, SP, and BSP played divisive politics to stay in power.The special session, in which a 36-hour marathon discussion on development goals for the state are being discussed, began on Wednesday. (ANI)
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