Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Dec 26 (ANI): Uttar Pradesh has the potential to become country's economic powerhouse, said Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday at the launch of the seventh economic census."Economic census would not only collect data but will also act as a pillar for taking the state forward. Uttar Pradesh has the potential to become economic superpower of the country and the success of the ODOP (one district one product) scheme is an example of this," Adityanath said at the event here."Uttar Pradesh's per capita income was equal to the country's per capita income at the time of Independence but UP's per capita income has lagged behind the national average over time."The UP CM said that the economic census will provide data to the government which will enable it to provide facilities for development."This economic census will play a very important role in advancing concrete economic plans and programmes for entrepreneurs, businessmen and youth," he said. (ANI)
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