Unfortunate Cong is Contesting Polls Only to Cut BJP's Vote Share: Adityanath
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday took a dig at the Congress and said it is unfortunate that it has reduced to a party which is contesting elections just to cut vote share of the BJP.
Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) [India], May 14 (ANI): Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday took a dig at the Congress and said it is unfortunate that it has reduced to a party which is contesting elections just to cut vote share of the BJP."Congress' princess says that Congress is contesting elections so that they can cut into the vote share of the BJP. This is unfortunate for Congress that they have become 'vote cutwa' party (a party which cut into the vote of others)," Adityanath said while campaigning for actor-turned-politician Ravi Kishan who is contesting from Gorakhpur on a BJP ticket."Those persons who have disgraced democracy and are coming as 'vote-cutwa' and confusing people, people should teach them a lesson," he said.Adityanath's remark came after Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had said that her party has fielded some Lok Sabha candidates in Uttar Pradesh with the aim to cut into the vote share of BJP, not to just win the elections.On May 1, when asked about chances of Congress' victory in UP, Priyanka had said: "My strategy is very clear. Congress will win on the seats where our candidates are strong. Where our candidates are slightly lightweight, they will cut into BJP's vote share. One does not do politics only to win."The Gorakhpur seat was represented by UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for five terms since 1998 until Praveen Kumar Nishad of Samajwadi Party won the seat in a by-poll last year. The seat was vacated by Yogi Adityanath when he became the CM.Gorakhpur, one of 13 parliamentary constituencies in Uttar Pradesh will go to polls on May 19 in the last phase of Lok Sabha elections. (ANI)
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