Indore/Balangir (Madhya Pradesh/Odisha) [India], May 23 (ANI): With thousands of migrant labourers rushing to reach their native states, two women have given birth to babies during their journey."On May 21 afternoon, in the bus going from Maharashtra to Uttar Pradesh carrying migrant labourers one of the women started having labour pain. The baby was delivered in the bus near Pigdambar area in Mhow, Indore. Soon after getting the information about the delivery, an ambulance reached the location and took both the mother and the baby to a nearby hospital," Dr Amit Malakar, coronavirus Nodal Officer, told ANI.He said both mother and child are healthy and they will be discharged soon.Meanwhile, a baby boy was delivered in a Shramik Special train running from Bolarum in Secunderabad, to Balangir. "A woman named Kunti Nag, 35, travelling in a Shramik Special train running from Bolarum in Secunderabad, to Balangir gave birth to a boy," read an official statement released by Railways.It also read that both the mother and the child are healthy. The extended lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus will continue till May 31 (ANI)

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