Kolkata (West Bengal)[India], Oct 15 (ANI): Around 600 block and town presidents of Trinamool Congress will be visiting more than 2000 villages and wards across the state as part of their campaign 'Didi Ke Bolo'."October 15 onwards, 600 block presidents and town presidents of AITC will interact with the locals and inform the citizens about the 'Didi Ke Bolo' platform; how they can use and benefit from it," read an official release by Trinamool Congress.The leaders will be listening to the suggestions of the people and also try to address their issues."In case there are any issues that cannot be resolved, the leader will be responsible for bringing it to the notice of Mamata Banerjee and her office," the press release added.As part of the campaign, the leaders will undertake various activities such as meeting with local party cadre, key influencers in villages with party workers and door to door visits.'Didi Ke Bolo' is a unique initiative by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, to provide a platform to every citizen of West Bengal to directly connect with her by calling a number or logging on to www.didikebolo.com website. (ANI)

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