New Delhi [India], Jan 6 (ANI): Trinamool Congress (TMC) leaders Shantanu Sen, Dinesh Trivedi, Vivek Gupta, Manish Bhuia and Sajda Ahmad on Monday staged a sit-in protest outside the main gate of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) alleging that they were not allowed to enter the varsity premises.The TMC leaders demanded a neutral probe into the attack."They allowed everyone but not us. So, we are doing a satyagraha here. The reason is they are scared of Mamata Banerjee. JNU is a good institution. Only terrorists attack with wearing masks. We demand a neutral investigation into the incident. They were anti-nationals," Trivedi told ANI. On Sunday evening, more than 18 students of the university, including JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh, were injured and were taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre after a masked mob entered the varsity and attacked them and professors with sticks and rods.The JNU administration and leaders, cutting across political lines, had condemned the attack on students and urged the police to take action against the perpetrators. (ANI)
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