New Delhi, March 5: Trinamool Congress on Thursday gave suspension of Business Notice in Rajya Sabha under rule 267 to discuss the "healing needed after deaths in Delhi violence".
On Wednesday, TMC had alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party is not allowing discussion in Parliament on the issue of recent violence in North-East Delhi."In both the Houses, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the Mo-Sha (Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah) duo have given the direction to not let any discussion happen. They have been trying to kill every institution in this country. And now the attack is on the Parliament," said Trinamool Congress Parliamentary Party in a statement.
"What is happening is unprecedented. Yesterday the Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha said the government is ready for a discussion. All the opposition parties are ready for a discussion. Floor leaders of the three largest opposition parties in the Rajya Sabha all gave notices on Wednesday under 267. Delhi: ‘Peace and Harmony’ Committee Launches WhatsApp Number 8950000946, Email ID to Report Hate Messages Online, Rs 10,000 Reward if Complaint Turns Into FIR.
However, the subject was not readout," the statement said.The statement further said, "The Government does not want the subject to be readout. And now they have said that they will discuss it next week. The Home Minister was supposed to lay a paper on the table of the House. He ran away from that also. Instead, he got his junior to read and lay it."
Trinamool Congress has given Suspension of Business Notice in Rajya Sabha under Rule 267 to discuss the "Healing needed after deaths in Delhi”.
— ANI (@ANI) March 5, 2020
"Trinamool's notice on Wednesday said the message of healing after the Delhi genocide has to go from Parliament. This is a sad state of affairs where Parliament is being treated like another back office of the BJP. But we will keep up the fight," it added.At least 47 people were killed and around 200 sustained injuries in the violence that hit North-East Delhi last month.
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