Tauranga [New Zealand], Feb 10 (ANI): As New Zealand have already sealed the three-match ODI series against India, pacer Tim Southee expressed happiness over his team's performance and said their ODI games have been great."It is always great to play India. Obviously the T20 series did not go according to plan but the one-day games have been great. The one-day side played some great cricket for a while although we are missing a couple of guys," Southee said in the pre-match press conference here on Monday.New Zealand secured a four-wicket win in the first ODI and defeated India by 22 runs in the second ODI to seal the series. However, India had white-washed New Zealand in the five-match T20I series before the ODI series. Southee stressed that although they have won the series, it will be nice to win the third ODI as well."We will do what we do and results will take care of itself but winning is always nice. We want to keep playing the way we have been playing and it is nice to win the series already but to win another game, it is always nice," he said.Ish Sodhi, who missed the second ODI, said it will be fantastic if he gets a chance to play in the third ODI."It is a fantastic opportunity if I get a chance to come and play. The series has already been won and it is fantastic," he said.The third ODI between New Zealand and India will be played on Tuesday. (ANI)
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