Moscow [Russia], May 20 (Sputnik/ANI): A crew of three died in the Mi-8 helicopter crash in northwestern Moscow Region, a spokesman for emergency services told Sputnik on Tuesday."The entire crew of the aircraft, consisting of three people, died during the crash of the Mi-8 helicopter," the spokesman said.The search team found both flight data recorders at the crash site, the spokesman said."Both black boxes were discovered -- a flight data recorder and an on-board voice recorder," he said, adding that both black boxes were in satisfactory condition.The Mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing on Tuesday evening while performing a training flight some 20 kilometres (12 miles) from the city of Klin. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the crewmen were killed.The flight was carried out without ammunition. According to preliminary information, the crash could be caused by a technical malfunction. (Sputnik/ANI)
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