New Delhi [India], Oct 5 (ANI): Moving with the global shift towards sustainability, the national capital's oldest Durga Puja Samiti in Kashmiri Gate has decided to celebrate the festival in an eco-friendly manner this year with eco-friendly 'pattals' (leaf plate) for Prashad offering."Earlier, we used to use offer 'prashad' and 'bhog' in thermocol bowls. However, we are using 'pattals', bowls made of leaves from this year. This is an eco-friendly alternative. We agree with the single-use plastic ban," general secretary of the event, Robin Bose told ANI on Friday.He said that the leave bowls were hard to find in Delhi, so they had to buy it from a vendor in Uttar Pradesh."We have bought 16,000 'pattal' from a vendor in Mathura and we later managed to find one vendor in the capital. We also bought around 15,000 to 20,000 'pattals' from them," Bose said.He said that he also agreed that the Durga idol should not be immersed in the Yamuna river."Delhi government is cracking down on idol immersion in Yamuna river this year. We completely agree with this decision. If the idols are polluting the rivers, the immersion should be stopped," Bose added.He also said that people are coming forward to contribute to the fight against single-use plastic and save the environment. (ANI)

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