Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) [India], May 11 (ANI): Union Minister Smriti Irani took a veiled jibe at Congress president Rahul Gandhi and its general secretary Priyanka Gandhi saying that they are people who wear "janeu" once in five years and come for "Ganga-darshan" only during elections."Prime Minister Narendra Modi served nation and hypocrites, mahamilawati people and corrupt Congress didn't give him anything else except insults. They are people who wear a 'janeu' once in 5 yrs, who go on foreign tours for 5 yrs and come for 'darshan' of Ganga at the time of elections," she said without naming anyone while addressing an election rally here on Friday.The Union Minister also criticised Priyanka for choosing not to contest from Varanasi Lok Sabha seat."They go to Ayodhya but don't bow their heads before Ram Lalla as they remember their vote bank. They're people who ask in Amethi if they should contest from Varanasi but when it is time to draw swords in the battlefield, they leave not only Varanasi and Amethi but go to Wayanad," said Smriti Irani.It was widely speculated that Congress might field Priyanka Gandhi from Varanasi. Priyanka had also expressed her desire to contest from Varanasi.However, Congress party chose to field Ajay Rai from Varanasi.Congress president Rahul Gandhi is contesting from two Lok Sabha seats-- Amethi and Wayanad.Varanasi will go to polls in the last phase on May 7. The counting of votes will be done on May 23. (ANI)

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