New Delhi [India], Sept 23 (ANI): Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Sunday alleged that his house in New Delhi's Saraswati Vihar was burgled. "Theft in my house at Saraswati Vihar. All floors searched thoroughly for hours. Anti-social element and thieves have no fear of the Delhi Police," he stated in a tweet.On his complaint, a case was registered by the police under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including theft and house-trespassing."As per the complaint of Poonam Jain, wife of Satender Jain, the house has been locked for the past six months and neighbours intimated the complainant that main gate seems to be open. Kitchen, bathroom taps and some showpiece were found missing," Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) A Koan said. (ANI)

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