Srinagar (Jammu Kashmir) [India], Jan 7 (ANI): Vijay Kumar, IG Kashmir on Tuesday said that they tried to persuade the terrorist, neutralized in encounter in Awantipora earlier in the day, to surrender by sending his family to talk to him but he refused."When we received the information that Shahid is hiding, we tried to persuade him to surrender by sending his family to talk to him but he refused to cooperate and threw a grenade. Following which encounter started in which he was killed," Vijay Kumar, IG Kashmir said."We always first appeal to such people to surrender and the incident was recorded by the people present there who saw us appealing to him before he was killed," he added.The terrorist, identified as Shahid, was affiliated with Hizbul Mujahideen (HM), the police said. (ANI)
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