Hyderabad, March 31: A second-year MBBS student was found hanging in his hostel room in Telangana's Nizamabad district on Friday, police said. The 22-year old, a native of Peddapalli district of the state, who was studying at the Government Medical College in Nizamabad, was found hanging from a ceiling fan in his hostel room by some students, police said, adding the exact reason for him taking the extreme step was not known.
However, there was a text message allegedly sent by him at 3 AM to his parents and brother informing them that he was "committing suicide" and also apologising for the act, a police official said, based on preliminary investigation. Uttar Pradesh Shocker: Woman Dies by Suicide After Her Husband Found Hanging at His House in Pratapgarh.
The police were recording the statements of his friends and roommates among others to ascertain the reasons for his death, the official said. Further investigations are on. Last month, a woman medical student ended her life in Warangal district of the state following alleged "harassment" by her senior. Hyderabad Shocker: Software Engineer Dies by Suicide by Hanging Due to Work Pressure and Fear of Losing Job.
The woman, a first-year postgraduate student of a medical college, allegedly attempted suicide at a state-run hospital on February 22 after being "harassed" by her senior in the same college. She died at a hospital in Hyderabad while undergoing treatment on February 26. The senior student, a male doctor, was arrested on February 24.