Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Oct 30 (ANI): Rallying behind TSRTC employees who are on strike since last 25 days, Telangana BJP has decided to knock on the door of President of India against the alleged apathy and indifference of K Chandrashekar Rao government towards the plight of RTC employees and their demands."As BJP Telangana state president I have been constantly updating the present situation of the state to BJP National President JP Nadda and Home Minister Amit Shah. We shall agitate and protest for the cause and if necessary we shall approach the President of India and get the issue into his notice," said K Laxman, Telangana BJP president."About 50,000 employees are on strike against the privatisation of TSRTC," said LaxmanEmployees of Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) on Wednesday intensified their indefinite protest here against the sacking of over 40,000 employees by the state government, which entered day 25 today.Agitated workers rubbed their noses on the ground one by one to mark their protest stating that they made a mistake by casting their votes in favour of the K Chandrashekar Rao's government.Various political parties have also rallied come together in support of the RTC employees and are demanding the state government to take them back.Opposition parties including the BJP, Congress and CPI have extended support to this state-wide protest by the RTC workers and participated in the protest outside the District Collector's office. (ANI)

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