Television actor and Bigg Boss 15 winner, Tejasswi Prakash dropped a 'super-fun' video with her mother and her boyfriend, actor Karan Kundrra's mother on social media. On Saturday, the 29-year-old star took to her Instagram handle and shared a video featuring herself practising a social media trend along with her mother and her boyfriend, actor Karan Kundrra's mother, she captioned the video, "My mummas are doper than your mummas". Tejasswi Prakash Wins Bigg Boss 15, Actress Poses With Her Parents And Says ‘The Trophy Comes Home’.

In the video, Tejasswi could be seen having some fun moments, as she dances to a social media trend with her mother and and Karan's mother. All of them could be seen sitting inside a car, as they groove together, and sporting black goggles. Tejasswi opted for a no-makeup look along with open hair for the video, she could be seen wearing a light-blue sweatshirt. Reacting to the cute video, Karan Kundrra commented, "My god one day I leave you with the mothers and you do this," he wrote in the comment section and dropped a laughing emoji.

Not just this, fans showered immense love on the post and dropped lovely comments in the comment section. A fan commented, "Aww... all of you look super cute... amazing family" another fan called it the cutest reel' on Instagram. "Sorry Teju but your mummas stole the limelight," a fan commented on the post. The power couple is winning hearts since their appearance in Bigg Boss 15. Bigg Boss 15: Families of Tejasswi Prakash and Karan Kundrra Approve Their Relationship Over a Video Call – WATCH.

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Talking about their work front, Tejasswi is currently working in Ekta Kapoor's show Naagin 6. She is essaying the role of Pratha and paired opposite 'Bigg Boss' fame Simba Nagpal. On the other hand, Karan is currently hosting the popular reality show Dance Deewane Juniors. 

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