Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) [India], May 14 (ANI): The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) on Wednesday decided to hold the annual party meeting -- 'Mahanadu' -- through video conference on May 27 - 28. "For the first time since inception, the TDP has decided to hold its annual Mahanadu online by using Zoom video conference in strict adherence to the nationwide social distancing guidelines to prevent the spread of coronavirus epidemic," said an official statement of TDP. The decision to hold the annual meeting online was taken unanimously at the virtual TDP Politburo meeting on Wednesday, chaired by the party president and former Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu."This was disclosed at a virtual press briefing given by former Ministers Kalva Srinivasulu and Ravula Chandrasekhar Reddy on the resolutions passed by the Politburo," the statement added.The party usually organises the annual conclave coinciding with the birth anniversary of TDP founder NT Rama Rao on May 28.TDP said that in view of the physical distancing restrictions, it wouldn't be possible to organise Mahanadu as before with large-scale coming together of the party leaders and cadres from all over the state. "However, the Mahanadu coinciding with party founder NTR's birthday would continue uninterrupted though this year in a virtual format," the note further said. According to the statement, the TDP leaders said that "like before, the Mahanadu would discuss and pass resolutions on different socio-political issues confronting the Telugu people, farmers, migrant workers, agricultural workers" and so on. (ANI)

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