Mumbai Sep 03: Bollywood actor Tabu on Monday unveiled the new poster of her upcoming film 'AndhaDhun'. The 'Drishyam' star took to Instagram to post the poster, where she and her co-star Ayushmann Khurrana can be seen sitting opposite each other with their hands tied to a chair.
She captioned it in an equally mysterious way and wrote, "Blinded by chaos, bound by fate..On this thrilling ride. In cinemas Oct5th 2018. Trailer out now. Link in bio. @andhadhunfilm #sriramraghavan @ayushmannk @radhikaofficial @viacom18motionpictures @zeemusiccompany @ameet_trivedi @kumohanan @manavvij "
In June, the first poster of the flick had created a buzz in the social media sphere. It featured a broken pair of goggles as the main object, with other elements like piano, musical notes, cat, revolver, a cup of tea, a knife, and suitcase. Helmed by Sriram Raghavan of 'Johnny Gaddaar' fame the film is slated to release on October 5.
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