Sharing a throwback picture from the shoot of 'Hum Saath Saath Hain,' filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan on Wednesday extended birthday greetings to actor Tabu. The 'Om Shanti Om,' filmmaker took to Instagram to post the throwback picture that sees her and Tabu posing while sitting on a railing. Khan complimented the post with a sweet birthday note for Tabu where she remembered how her friendship dynamics with the actor have remained the same over the years since the first time they met for the shoot of 'Viraasat.' Tabu Birthday Special: Irresistibly Chic, Smouldering Elegance Are the Salient Features of Her Fine Fashion Arsenal!
"Hum Saath Saath Hain! The first time I met her in 1995 at the shooting of Viraasat, and it was as if we were old friends who knew each other since childhood," she wrote in the caption. A Suitable Boy Review: Tabu and Ishaan Khatter’s Mini-Series Is Not a ‘Suitable’ Adaptation for the Book Fans!
Farah Khan's Birthday Post For Tabu
"n its bn exactly like that 25yrs later.. Happy birthday my tabdi.. @tabutiful i lov u n I always let u go coz I know ul always cm back #syaaaliiiii," she added. The 'A Suitable Boy,' actor ringed into her 50th on Wednesday.
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