Mumbai, August 6: NCP chief Sharad Pawar on Tuesday expressed shock over the death of senior BJP leader and former External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. Sushma Swaraj Dies: In Her Last Tweet, Former Minister Said 'Was Waiting to See This Day In My Lifetime.
"Shocked to hear about the sad demise of Sushmaji Swaraj. She would always call me `Sharad Bhau'," Pawar tweeted.
Shocked to hear about the sad demise of Sushmaji Swaraj. She would always call me ‘Sharad Bhau‘. We’ve lost a great statesman, eloquent orator, efficient administrator, fellow parliamentarian and above all a kind hearted person.
— Sharad Pawar (@PawarSpeaks) August 6, 2019
"We've lost a great statesman, eloquent orator, efficient administrator, fellow parliamentarian and above all a kind hearted person," Pawar tweeted.
Swaraj (67) passed away in Delhi on Tuesday night.
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