New Delhi [India], Mar 14 (ANI): Former cricketer Surinder Khanna on Friday said the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and Indian Premier League (IPL) chairman have taken the right decision to postpone the league as the safety of people is more important amid coronavirus. "Keeping in view the seriousness of coronavirus and the directions and advisory issued by the central government, BCCI and IPL chairman have taken the right decision and we are having a meeting tomorrow, rest of the things will be discussed there," Khanna, who is a member of IPL governing council, told ANI."Responsibly it has been taken up by IPL and BCCI. I am very happy for that. The safety of the people is more important," he added.The 13th edition of IPL was scheduled to commence from March 29. However, on Friday, IPL was suspended till April 15, 'as a precautionary measure' against coronavirus."The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has decided to suspend IPL 2020 till 15th April 2020, as a precautionary measure against the ongoing Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) situation," the BCCI had said in an official statement.Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister, Manish Sisodia on Friday also announced that all sporting activities, including the IPL, attracting a large crowd turnout have been banned due to the deadly virus."Sports activities, seminars, conferences, we have decided to shut them. No sports event including IPL would be allowed in Delhi until the next order. Coronavirus is spreading, we have decided to maintain social distance, IPL is a big event, many people come from various corners, I would also like to appeal to the people," Sisodia had told reporters.Coronavirus, which originated in China's Wuhan city, has so far spread to more than 100 countries, infecting over 1,20,000 people. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases across India has risen to 82.World Health Organisation (WHO) on Wednesday declared the coronavirus outbreak a 'pandemic' and expressed deep concern. (ANI)
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