Surat (Gujarat) [India], July 7 (ANI): Two persons were arrested and fake currency notes with a face value of over Rs 85 lakh were seized from an apartment flat in Sachin area here on Saturday, police said."A man and a woman identified as Kanji Ranchor Bharath and Sunita Lakshman Bhau were arrested while another accused Sachin Gulabbhai Parmar managed to flee from the spot," Surat Deputy Commissioner of Police Vidhi Chaudhary said.The accused were making the fake notes using colour scanner and printers. They used green tape as security thread and white colour to make the image of Mahatma Gandhi on the counterfeit currency, the officer said."Acting on inputs, the police conducted a raid on a flat in the area and found Rs 2,000 forged currency notes worth Rs 84 lakh and Rs 500 fake notes worth Rs 1.2 lakh from their possession," Chaudhary said.Both the men accused in the case have been involved in crime in the past, she said."Two fake currency note cases are registered against Parmar in Bharat Nagar and Amreli Rural police stations. Bharath has a case of attempt to commit culpable homicide against him registered at Vadodara police station and an assault case at Kamrej police station," Chaudhary added. (ANI)
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