New Delhi [India], Jan 6 (ANI): Senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday slammed the BJP-led central government over the violence at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and accused it of encouraging such acts."When students inside universities are not safe then nobody is. The government is encouraging such violence," Azad told ANI while speaking about the JNU violence.On Sunday evening, more than 30 students of the university, including JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh, were injured and taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre after a masked mob entered the varsity and attacked them and professors with sticks and rods.Azad also spoke about the recent violence at the Jamia Milia Islamia and said that the government was taking such actions to silence the voice of the students."In Jamia Milia Islamia, police fired bullets instead of inquiring. Many were injured, killed and detained. Such acts by the government to silence students' voices is condemnable," he said.A protest against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act near Jamia Milia Islamia had turned violent on December 15. (ANI)
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