New Delhi [India], April 6 (ANI): As India continues its fight against coronavirus, cricketer Rohit Sharma asked people to stay home as the "World Cup is still some time away".Taking to Twitter, Sharma wrote, "Stay indoors India, don't go out on the streets celebrating. World Cup is still some time away."The ICC T20 World Cup 2020 is scheduled to be played between October 18 to November 15 at seven venues across Australia.Although the coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc all across the globe, the International Cricket Council (ICC) on March 17 said the forthcoming T20 World Cup 2020 will "go ahead as scheduled"."In response to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the ICC T20 World Cup 2020 Local Organising Committee is monitoring the situation closely with relevant authorities and will continue to do so," ICC had said in a statement."The ICC Men's T20 World Cup is scheduled to take place from 18 October - 15 November 2020 in seven venues across Australia. We are planning for the event to go ahead as scheduled," the statement had added.The number of coronavirus cases in India has surged past 3,500 with 505 new cases reported in the last 24 hours across the country.According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the total number of COVID-19 positive cases in the country has gone up to 3,577 as on Sunday. So far, 83 people have died of the coronavirus. (ANI)

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