New Delhi [India], Mar 21 (ANI): Former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag on Saturday appealed to the countrymen to stay at home as Covid 19 continues to rage."Poora Bharat Aaram Se Ghar Par Rahega, Yeh Corona Virus Yahaan Se Jald Daudega. Please please stay at home and we shall overcome this soon," Sehwag tweeted.The right-handed batsman also urged the public to observe 'Janata Curfew,' saying that the curfew is actually 'Care for you'.Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday had urged the citizens to follow 'Janata curfew' on March 22 in the view of a novel coronavirus outbreak.After this, several other sports personalities such as Yuvraj Singh and Mohammed Kaif made an appeal to the people to come together to fight coronavirus pandemic.The total number of COVID-19 cases in India has now climbed up to 271, including 32 foreigners. Four people have died in the country--one each in Delhi, Karnataka, Punjab, and Maharashtra. (ANI)
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