Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], Apr 19 (ANI): Two Deputy Superintendents of Police and several other cops sustained injuries on Thursday when miscreants started pelting stones even as polling was underway in Srinagar Lok Sabha seat."As polling for Srinagar parliamentary constituency was going on today, several incidents of stone pelting on security forces and polling staff were reported. During the election process, security forces came under severe stone pelting from miscreants who had congregated at various places," a state government press release said."However security forces while dealing with such hostile stone pelting mobs exercised utmost restraint. Consequently, several police and security force personnel including 2 DySPs and several other cops got injured today," it stated.According to the press release, in another incident of stone pelting, a civilian driver identified as Mohammad Yaseen Dar aged 22 years also sustained critical injuries on his head in Hyderpora."Security forces exercised utmost restraint while dealing with hostile stone-pelting mobs and it was due this that the polling process was concluded peacefully today," it further read.The administration has urged people to cooperate with the officials in discharging the lawful duty of conducting poll in a peaceful manner."Elements involved in such unlawful activities shall be dealt with strictly under law," the release said. (ANI)
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