Colombo [Sri Lanka], Mar 23 (ANI): Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) on Monday decided to contribute a sum of LKR 25 million for combating the COVID-19 pandemic, which has sent almost the entire world in a lockdown."The grant will now be handed over to the Sri Lankan government," the SLC said in an official statementEarlier, Sri Lanka Cricket had postponed all domestic tournaments until further notice, and all its players and employees to remain indoors.The two-match Test series between Sri Lanka and England was also postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.Earlier, former Sri Lanka skipper Kumar Sangakkara also revealed that he has kept himself in isolation after returning from England.Sangakkara, who is the current president of the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) decided to come back to Sri Lanka to help the government in fighting the coronavirus pandemic."I myself returned from England and registered my arrival in conformity with the urgent quarantine requirement a week ago by reporting to the nearest police station on arrival and have been adhering to the two-week home quarantine procedure with a medical officer turning up daily and monitoring my progress," Sri Lanka Cricket's (SLC) official website had quoted Sangakkara as saying.The World Health Organisation had declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11. (ANI)

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