Young Indian Grandmaster R Praggnanandhaa emerged champion in the V Geza Hetenyi Memorial Super GM chess tournament 2023, here on Wednesday. The 17-year-old GM scored 6.5 points to finish clear first in the 10-player event. After nine rounds of play, he ended up a point ahead of M Amin Tabatabaei (Iran) and Russia's Sanan Sjugirov. International Chess Day 2023: From Magnus Carlsen to Viswanathan Anand; All-Time Best Chess Grandmasters That You Should Know
Praggnanandhaa posted five wins, drew three games and suffered only one defeat in the tournament, at the hands of Amin Tabatabaei in the fifth round.
In the final round, he secured a draw against Polish GM Radoslaw Wojtaszek with white pieces. India vs Pakistan, Asia Cup 2023: Here's How Arch Rivals Could Meet Thrice at This Year's Cricket Tournament.
The teenaged Indian GM now has a live rating of 2707.3. Praggnanandhaa scored wins over Sjugirov, Parham Maghsoodloo (Iran), Adam Kozak (Hungary) and Peter Prohaszka (Hungary). He drew his last three games, against Pavel Eljanov (Ukraine), Maxim Matlakov (Russia) and Wojtaszek.
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