India's Harmilan Bains produced a fine run to clinch a silver in the women's 800m race, her second medal in this Asian Games here on Wednesday. The 25-year-old from Punjab clocked an impressive timing of 2:03.75 to bag the silver in a highly competitive race. The gold went to Sri Lanka's Tharushi Dissanayaka, who touched the tape at a time of 2:03.20. The bronze went to China's Chunyu Wang, who finished with a timing of 2.03:90. Harmilan Bains Wins Silver Medal in Women’s 800m Final Race Event at Asian Games 2023.

Bains had earlier won a silver in the women's 1500m race in this edition of the Games. Another Indian runner in the 800m, Chanda finished at the seventh place with a timing of 2:05.69.

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