Pune, November 5: The Sports Authority of India (SAI) on Thursday confirmed that archer Himani Malik has tested positive for COVID-19. As per the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) established by SAI, campers who are a part of the national archery camp currently in progress at the Army Sports Institute, Pune were given a RT-PCR test to know their Covid-19 status.
Of the 23 campers who were tested, one Himani Malik tested positive for Covid-19 while the other 22 came negative.
"Malik is currently asymptomatic and has been admitted to a hospital as a precautionary measure," said SAI in an official statement. Also Read | Juventus Director Addresses Paul Pogba Transfer Rumours, Says 'We All Care for Him'.
SAI has also said that all precautions have been taken as established in the SAI SOPs to ensure that the camp can carry on in a safe and secure manner.
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