New Delhi [India], Dec 16 (ANI): Congress chief Sonia Gandhi on Monday accused the BJP-led alliance of seeking to divert the people's attention from its "failures" by creating "communal discord" and said that "suppression of youth and the students will prove to be the beginning of the end of Modi government."In a statement, Gandhi referred to protests over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and accused "the government of being at war with its own people."She said the maintenance of peace and harmony, upholding the rule of law and protecting the Constitution were the solemn responsibility of the government.Gandhi alleged that the Modi government has become a "source of violence and division.""This government has pushed the country into a storm of hate and put the future of youth at stake. When those sitting in echelons of power foment violence, attack the Constitution, get the youth beaten and flagrantly violate the law, then how will the country be governed democratically and constitutionally," she asked.Gandhi attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah and claimed the government's intent was to "destabilise the society, incite violence, snatch the rights of the youth, create an atmosphere of communal disharmony and use it for political self-interest."She said the protests and violence have spread from Delhi to West Bengal and four people have lost their lives in police firing in Assam.Gandhi alleged that Home Minister Amit Shah is "himself unable to visit the northeastern states."She said the official tour of Foreign Minister of Bangladesh and the summit meeting of Prime Minister of Japan had to be cancelled following the government.Gandhi alleged that students were protesting against "atrocities, steep unemployment, hike in fees, rights being encroached" while the government was spending its energies on proving them "terrorists, Naxals, separatists and anti-India.""The reason is Modi government has failed to govern. Facing total failure on every front, it seeks to divert attention by creating communal disharmony, instigating violence and creating societal disruptions. Citizen Amendment Act to NRC, all these are part of a divisive conspiracy," she alleged.She said youth power is the harbinger of change."This suppression unleashed by BJP's arrogance and police action against the youth and students will prove to be the beginning of the end of the Modi government," said Gandhi. (ANI)
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