Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) [India], May 11 (ANI): Some damage have been caused to the structure of Puri Jagannath Temple due to cyclone Fani, Usha Sharma, DG, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) said."There was some damage to the structure of temple like bits of plaster coming off. We have set up a team. I assure you that we will complete the works which are essential, much before the 'rath yatra'," she said here on Friday on the condition of Puri Jagannath temple post cyclone Fani. She also said that the Konark Temple gardens have received the most damage."Gardens received the most damage. Around 210 old trees were uprooted. We have instructed our circle and horticulturists to work on war-footing and restore the monument within a fortnight," she said. Cyclone Fani which made landfall in Puri last Friday had left a trail of destruction in Odisha. (ANI)
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