Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], Jan 29 (ANI): Dawar Battalion of Snow Leopard Brigade airlifted more than 100 stranded civilians including critically ill patients and elderly people from Gurez, which is presently cut off from Kashmir since November due to unprecedented heavy snowfall."On January 26, Dawar Garrison of the Indian Army received an urgent request from civil administration for early evacuation of serious patients and other civilians. The Army and Air Force in a joint effort evacuated 27 females, 81 males and six children including three critical patients from Dawar and Sonarwain Helipads of Indian Army. The helipad at Dawar was made operational despite heavy snow cover in record time," an official release said. "The army also provided necessary succour and administrative support in the cold weather conditions at the helipads. The three critically ill patients were stabilised by the Medical Officer of the Dawar Battalion at the Helipad before they could be evacuated by air," it said.Locals expressed gratitude to the Snow Leopard Brigade for the support. (ANI)
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