Vizianagaram (Andhra Pradesh) [India], June 16 (ANI): An incident of slip of tongue caused major embarrassment to newly-appointed Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister P Pushpa Srivani on Saturday when she said her government aimed to deliver "corrupt rule" in Andhra Pradesh."Our government's aim is to provide a corrupt rule in the state," she said at a press conference here.The minister who intended to say "corruption-free rule", inadvertently said "corrupted rule".Srivani was visiting her home district for the first time after taking charge as the deputy CM.Main Opposition Telugu Desam Party lost no time to attack the ruling YSR Congress, saying it agreed with the Deputy Chief Minister's comment."Thank you, madam, for opening up your aim. We agree with your comment," a tweet by TDP's official handle read.Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy had last week appointed five deputy Chief Ministers representing different social groups of the state.In the recently concluded elections, Reddy-led YSR Congress swiped the polls with 151 seats, wresting power from N Chandrababu Naidu's party which only could get 23 seats in the state Assembly. (ANI)
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