Actor Shilpa Shetty is the queen of fashion and style and continues to prove so with her trendy new haircut. Taking to her Instagram handle on Monday, the 'Dhadkan' star posted a workout video which she began by tying her hair in a ponytail, flaunting her new undercut buzz haircut. Another element of the diva's sporty avatar that caught the viewers' attention was her workout wear featuring the word 'PINK' in bold, capital letters. Shilpa Shetty Kundra Shares a Yoga Video, Expresses Concern Over the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.
Once she finished tying her hair, Shilpa winked at the camera and began her high-intensity workout. She chose Diljit Dosanjh's popular number 'Lover' as the background song. "You can't live each day without taking risks and without getting out of your comfort zone: be it going for an Undercut buzz cut (which took a lot of gumption, won't lie) or performing my new aerobic workout: the 'Tribal Squats'," she penned the caption. Shilpa Shetty Kundra Laughs Her Heart Out On Chat Show, Croons Chura Ke Dil Mera (Watch Video).
Check Out Shilpa Shetty Kundra's Instagram Post Below:
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Fans and members of the film industry flooded the post with likes and comments. "Love it! There is more power to U, when u do things that are uncomfortable n beat stereotypes," choreographer Terence Lewis commented. Meanwhile, on the work front, after judging 'Super Dancer 4', Shilpa is all set to join 'India's Got Talent' as a judge, along with popular musician-rapper Badshah. The reality show will air on Sony TV this year.
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