Actor Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra made their first public appearance for a temple visit in Himachal Pradesh, post the latter's bail in a pornography case. In the viral pictures all over social media, the couple could be seen twinning in yellow as they stepped out hand-in-hand, from a temple in Himachal Pradesh. Shilpa Shetty Claims Husband Raj Kundra Wasn't Involved in Producing Porn Content, Says 'Erotica Is Different From Porn': Police Sources.
Shilpa looks exquisite in a bright yellow coloured long suit. With her hair tied in a sleek ponytail, the 'Dhadkan' actor donned minimal makeup as she sought the divine blessings with her husband who could be seen clad in a matching bright yellow kurta pajama. On a related note, Shilpa flew to Dharamshala with her family, days after celebrating Bhai Dooj at her residence in Mumbai. Shilpa Shetty Resumes Super Dancer 4 Shoot Amid Husband Raj Kundra’s Porn Racket Case.
Check Out The Viral Pictures Below:
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The parents of two made their first public outing after Raj was granted bail by a Mumbai Court in the pornography case on a surety of Rs 50,000. He even deleted his Twitter and Instagram accounts days after the bail. Raj was arrested by police on July 19 along with 11 other people on charges related to the alleged creation of pornographic films.
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