New Delhi [India], Feb 12 (ANI): Ritu Phogat has said that switching to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) from wrestling was a risky decision but she took it as a challenge."The decision to switch to Mixed Martial Arts from wrestling was risky but since I am an athlete, so I took it as a challenge," Phogat told ANI.Ritu said she is hopeful that Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia will perform well at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics."2020 is going to an important year for every athlete around the world. I have hopes from Vinesh Phogat, who missed out on an Olympic medal in 2016, but this time she will fulfil the dream of the father. I am hopeful that Bajrang Punia will also perform well at the Olympics," she saidRitu said that her focus is on MMA after securing a win in her debut match against South Korea's Nam Hee Kim."My whole focus is on MMA, especially after the win in the first match. I am training with my team and looking forward to doing well in the World Championships," she said.Ritu said the training process of MMA and wrestling are quite similar."For me, training for wrestling and MMA is the same even though the sports are different. The only difference between these games is of skills," she said.Ritu Phogat said that after her debut match in MMA, the sport is slowing creating a niche for itself."MMA is not popular in India but after my first match, people are taking more interest in this sport. In the coming days, MMA will become more popular," she said. (ANI)

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