Singer-actor Shehnaaz Gill has expanded her wings. She is now exploring hosting stint with her chat show titled Desi Vibes with Shehnaaz Gill. On Wednesday, the Bigg Boss 13 contestant Shehnaaz took to Instagram and informed her fans about her show by revealing pictures from the sets with her first guest, who is none other than Rajkummar Rao. Shehnaaz Gill’s Fans Get Emotional Over Actress’ Rendition of the Punjabi Song ‘Zindagi’.
"Dreams do come true..... and today was one such moment when what I manifested came true. I always wanted to work with the very talented actor Rajkumar Rao & today I shot with him as my guest on my first ever chat show - 'Desi Vibes With Shehnaaz Gill'."
"I am on the moon literally! Thank you so much for honouring my request @rajkummar_rao, you know you are the best," Shehnaaz wrote on Instagram. In the photos, the two actors struck various poses. The particular announcement has left Shehnaaz's fans extremely happy. "So proud of you," a social media user commented. HIT- The First Case Trailer: Rajkummar Rao and Sanya Malhotra Look Riveting in This Glimpse of Their Action-Packed Film.
"Congratulations Shehnaaz," another one wrote. Meanwhile, Shehnaaz is gearing up for her Bollywood debut with Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, which is headlined by Salman Khan. The film will release on Eid 2023.