Indore, January 27: Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar on Sunday voiced his support for the tribal community's demand for recognition of their indigenousness from the United Nations."Tribals are the original inhabitants of the country, we support their demand for recognition of their indigenousness from the United Nations," said Pawar. Sharad Pawar Credits Muslims For BJP's Defeat in Maharashtra Elections, Criticises CAA And NRC.

Earlier in the day, the NCP leader had demanded the installation of statues of social reformers including Tantya Bhil in the premises of the Parliament." On January 26, the birth anniversary of Tantya Bhil will be celebrated across the country. I will try to have deliberations with the President, Prime Minister and the Speaker regarding the installation of statues of those who have contributed to the country including Tantya Bhil in the Parliament premises," Pawar said during a programme organised to celebrate the birth anniversary of Tantya. Sharad Pawar’s Security Cover Withdrawn in Delhi, Say NCP Leaders.

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Adding that Tantya and Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution, were born in the land of Madhya Pradesh, Pawar said, "The Kamal Nath-led government will work for the tribals in the State. Great Bhil and Ambedkar were born here, in this land. I feel that there is a need to take some steps for the development of our society."Tantya was a member of the Bhil tribe, the indigenous Adivasi community, and is recognised as a heroic figure. He is known for his contributions to the society and the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

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