Dhaka [Bangladesh], Oct 29 (ANI): Soon after Shakib Al Hasan was banned for breaching ICC Anti-Corruption Code, Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) President Nazmul Hassan on Tuesday said he is hoping that the all-rounder will return as a better and a wiser cricketer."While the BCB is shocked and extremely disappointed that an experienced player like Shakib had failed to report corrupt approach on three occasions, at the same time we are pleased that he has cooperated fully with the ICC ACU and has pledged his commitment to its education programme," Hassan said in an official statement."We hope he will come back as a better and wiser cricketer and serve Bangladesh for many more years when his sanction will be over," he added."The International Cricket Council (ICC) has banned Bangladesh captain Shakib Al Hasan from all cricket for two years, with one year of that suspended, after he accepted three charges of breaching the ICC Anti-Corruption Code," ICC had said in a statement.Shakib Al Hasan can resume international cricket on October 29, 2020.Hassan further stated that BCB respect's the ICC's decision."During the suspension, the BCB will continue to support his efforts at returning to cricket. The BCB respects the ICC's decision and shares similar sentiments against corruption in cricket," he said. (ANI)

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