Panaji (Goa) [India], Dec 4 (ANI): Home Minister Amit Shah's statement that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not get the SPG security cover after five years is a clear admission that the BJP has accepted to have failed in delivering poll promises, Goa Congress said on Tuesday. In a statement, state Congress chief Girish Chodankar said that the Home Minister's statement in the Rajya Sabha is an admission that the BJP cannot run the country with 'jumlas' (fake promises)."The BJP came to power creating a fake feeling of 'achhe din' with promises of getting back black money, arresting Dawood Ibrahim and getting him to India, ending terrorism after demonetisation, making India super economic power after hurriedly implementing GST and so on but eventually all these promises fell flat and failed completely," it said. The statement further said, "The Indian economy is passing through the worst times now with the unemployment rate rising at an all-time high. Terror activities are on rise and GDP is falling every quarter.""It is a welcome statement of Amit Shah clearly admitting that there will not be any need to review the SPG cover of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he will not get SPG protection after five years from now," he said. Speaking on the Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019, Shah said that the SPG security cover cannot be provided to everyone and is for the Prime Minister and the family members living with them. He also said that former Prime Ministers' family members will not get SPG security five years after he/she has left office. (ANI)
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